Hand And Nail Fetish Bdsm Story

“Come with me, Richard,”

she said and she gesticulated in the beautiful way that excited my fancy, flinging her hands as though she would let them scrap

Hand And Nail Fetish Cams

the sensuousness of my lips before withdrawing them to her sides and sashaying away.
I swallowed a nervous air and walked behind her.
Her swaying hips, calculated struts and the skillfully placing of one foot before another reflected sexually in her gown. I longed for the finger; supple and enticing, to have them all over my face, my chest and my body. She knew and she stole a glance back at me and smiled, still making her way through the corridor that led into the bedroom.

I had always had a fantasy about sexy woman’s hands to be dominated by hand from a controlling and exquisite female was always one of my biggest fantasies

It was her way of getting back at me for arriving late; all of these subtle shades of temptation she threw my way. I had apologized when I arrived at the grassy front yard of her compound, she had simply grunted and ushered me into the house. She had maintained her silence until she was ready.

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She let the gown she wore slide down from her body as she strode into her bedroom and her naked body was suddenly adorned with nothing but the heels in which she strode and the thin silk pants that covered only the pubic areas of her vagina and left the huge fleshy mounds of her ass open. The even flesh stretched down to her feet;
Her feet!

I felt the warm liquid struggle on its course down my body into the phallic sac that was between my legs. Her eyes also fell to it as she spun around and faced me when we made it to the bed.

“That looks yummy!”

She moaned and slid unto the bed. I followedShe bit the lower part of her lips tantalizingly and plucked her index finger from the fingers of her hand and motioned for me to move closer.
I drew in a bale of air and allowed it rush to my lungs, assuring myself that I was not lost in the Rhapsody of her motions and had forgotten to breathe.

I moved closer and placed my face on her hands which were outstretched, the soft palm caressing my face sent such sensation through my body, I felt my body quake thoroughly.
“Open up” she whispered to me, her voice was cool but her eyes surely held the command.
I opened my mouth to allow her fingers to run in.

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They were like butter, warm butter in my mouth and on my tongue. My stomach tightened and I rolled my tongue about it as though the nectar of life were in the very tips of the nails.
Excellent in the demands of the occasion, Alessia knew what next she was to do and it was that which she did so expertly.

I felt her naked body move beneath mine when she slid the second finger into my mouth, giving me the quandary of choice in such an animalistic moment when all my senses had been lost to the erotic. I gave attention to each finger as my arousal burned inside of me, scorching me with the eternal fire of blood and desire.

My feet, Richard, my feet” she whispered again.
I was getting there and I was yet to work myself enough with the fingernails but whatever she wished for was my command. What was I but a slave for the fulfilment of both our desires? I began the journey down the course of her body, kissing her hardened nipple for a moment before I went further down.

Her feet were still in the heels, and unopened package aroused the most. I needed to be prepared enough for this, I reminded myself and quickly took off my shirt.
Her fingers, the nails painted in a deep maroon, started to caress her body and I watched on with air escaping my lips in gasps.

They travelled the expanse of her body, through the huge mounds on her chest and the nipples which were perked up in arousal down to the space between her thighs. Then she stopped and our eyes met.

I was caught panting after the fingers and I had not realized quickly enough that I had been sucking on the toenails slowly. My eyes returned to the toes and realized the nails were all of the same colour. I ran the biggest toe into my mouth and drooled saliva over it and the rest of the nails followed. The same sequence was repeated with the other toes.
“Take off your pants” she ordered as she brought out the cuffs.

I fell to the activity and in an instant, I was as naked as the day I was born. She requested I lay horizontally as she lay vertically on the bed. My face up to the ceiling and my cock erect with desire, faced in a similar direction I felt her legs run over it before she placed both my hands in the cuffs and bound to the handle of the bed. No touching. Her legs sandwiched my cock and rubbing skillfully up and down.
I was immobile and it fell to her to decide what she would be doing next. I could feel my essence jerking through the narrow expanse of my cock. Nothing prepared me for what she did next.
She was goddess over our sessions and in moments when she decided to share her divinity with me, she did it with the most benevolent application.

Her fingers tingled as she ran them through my body, my hands cuffed to the bed and her legs scraping my thighs, I was let into the moist warmth of her private paradise.
I let out a soft groan. She allowed her fingers trace its way into my mouth and fed me all of it while her waist was busied with the vocation of upward and downward movements down the length of my cock which was buried deep in her warm coochie.
It was a small time before I could feel her juice dripping down my cock and the stars of my mind exploded.

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