Bdsm Brat

What is  BDSM Brat?

A BDSM brat is a submissive (usually female but can also apply to males) who goes against the typical formality of submissiveness. Rather than being submissive and doing as they are told, a brat is mischievous and flashes defiance at the top. They answer back and refuse to follow commands to receive attention and punishments. The description is known as bratting

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A brat has to be something that is “approved” beforehand. If the brat acts up without the top’s knowledge, then it leads to problems, most specifically that the Dominant thinks the sub isn’t really submissive and is just playing at it. – So, what are the BDSM rules?

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Bratting works well if you are roleplaying an S&M scenario but are not naturally submissive. It allows you to be “controlled”, but you don’t have to submit fully

bdsm brat

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Brat play works well as the sub misbehaves and gets punished, whilst the Domme gets to show her (or him) who is in charge. It allows both parties to have equal involvement in the session, and each gets something out of it.

The Domme, they enjoy the challenge of getting the brat under control and proving who is in charge. The brat, enjoy being put in their place, receiving attention through punishment, and getting a kick out of not submitting easily.

Brat play needs to be done under control, though. A brat will exasperate a Dom beyond belief by refusing to do as they are told and acting out. For Dominants, this is not something they usually accept, so they need to remember that this is all a game, and the sub is purposefully acting out, so losing their temper isn’t acceptable.

This type of play is not to the liking of some who are into BDSM and prefer a traditional type of session, so having a brat as a submissive can be a no-no for them.

Typical punishments for a brat are an over-the-knee spanking followed by corner time or a harsh verbal scolding but to “play up”, they will usually respond with “that all you got?” to push the envelope further and defy their owner.

spanking, bdsm brat

Brat play adds immense fun to a session if done correctly. The sub can defy the submission required while the Domme gets to dish out punishments. It is a fantastic addition to some bedroom fun and a stand-alone session and lends itself perfectly to roleplay BDSM scenarios.

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Check out the Gentle Femdom page if you would rather have a gentle approach to BDSM.