Hucow Bdsm

What is Hucow in BDSM

What Is The Meaning Of It?

Hucow is a mash-up of a human cow, an act whereby a human (typically a female) is restrained and then undergoes forced lactation by a dominant partner, usually a male. The most popular time for a woman to become a hucow is just after childbirth when she is lactating naturally. Another word for this fetish is lactophilia.

Hucow Explained:

More than likely restrained, the hucow will then have breast pumps attached to both breasts and will then be milked just like a cow. How hard the suction depends on her Master. It might be gentle and almost pleasurable or it may be rough to cause great discomfort.
Women who desire to be hucows do so in a way to escape the responsibilities of human adult life.

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As a pet, you are cared for and have everything done for you. All they need to do is do what they are told. Once they are secured, the pumps can be left on for a few minutes, a few hours, or overnight.

Men also enjoy a hucow scenario as a woman’s breasts will naturally get bigger as she is lactated and given that almost every man has a penchant for big boobs, the attraction is obvious! They also enjoy the feeling of power and dominance they have over the woman as they bind her, secure her and then milk her.

 More information on Hucow In BDSM was Answered by one of our Girls

I received the cutest question in the form of a video message today it went
something like this hey what’s that fetish where women are
turned into cows and melt what is that what’s going on can you answer that
question for me.
I’m glad that the new Snapchat filter inspired that question and I sure can’t talk about it heads up this discussion is going to be not suitable for work so make sure you are in a safe place away from prying eyes and listen accordingly, people that roleplay cows for sexual purposes are called human cows or hoo cows for short.
The other participants in this fantasy scenario are the farmer or owner whose cows are typically women and occasionally men and they’re treated like cattle which means they are milked by hand or machine and sometimes used for breeding.
Although male cows do exist, they aren’t milked in the traditional sense they’re milked via their penis as greeting studs, now when I say these things exist I don’t mean exist they exist like unicorns or that hot little nurse that comes out every once in a while in your bedroom.
Remember this is just fantasy roleplay we’re turning humans into fantasy cattle that are fetishized and just like any other kind of BDSM or fetish play this is carefully negotiated by all participants and done consensually but why why-why do people do this?
It’s just plain weird it’s unnatural oh why do we do this fetish then?
That’s a big question way bigger than one snap story but I will tell you this, you stick with me over time we’re gonna answer that question more and more but in the meantime, I’ll give you some 
So if we want to keep our sex lives exciting one of the best ways to do that is to continually inject newness and novelty into our sex play what better way to do that than roleplay but back to hucows and why this fetish actually encompasses a number of other more
common fetishes.
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If we break those down why it’s easier to understand this? This fetish encompasses dominance and Submission in BDSM and it’s pretty common it’s the basis of the vast majority of kink playing even typical bedroom role plays “officer how do I get out of this ticket”.
Well, little lady bows down to my authority so in Hucow fetish play the Hucow is
the submissive and the farmer or owner is the dominant the second common fetish
this encompasses is lactation fetish after all this is centred around the breasts called utters and milking lactophilia adult nursing relationships of breast milk fetish whatever you choose to call it it’s really common for givers and for receivers. – Check out milking sex information here
Thirdly some people choose to emphasize the breeding aspect of this fetish, which can satisfy those into objectification or that have a pregnancy or breeding fetish remember this is fantasy breeding not real the purpose of the Hucow is to be kept in bondage and continually bred fucked this poor helpless woman that’s the whole hucow all tied up.
It is wrong to objectify women we do not treat women as objects no objectification treating a woman or anybody as just a mere object is very wrong if it’s done without their consent but if objectification is mutually desired by both partners they thoroughly and clearly talked about it ahead of time and then they play it out in a healthy fun fantasy sense then that’s different.
Now I’m going to leave you with a few important takeaways you should remember about des and fetish play BDSM did properly means consensually and negotiated ahead of time isn’t just about the dominant wishes and isn’t abusive against the submissive when BDSM scenes are negotiated they are done so according to the desires and limits of the submissive partner, the submissive calls the shots and submissive certainly aren’t always women.
I mean when it comes to BDSM I’m a dominant woman and I play with submissives that are both men and women just because when it comes to Hucow play most cows are women and most farmers are men doesn’t mean all des plays out that way there’s a hell of a lot of ground to cover when it comes to BDSM and a snap story isn’t gonna cut it that’s why I teach day-long BDSM intensives 

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