
Fetish Stories

The below links are fetish stories submitted by some of our readers of the site. We plan to have this updated on a daily basis with new fetish stories ranging from the foot, smoking, latex, giantess, and much more. You can also check out the online fetish webcam section if you are looking for real-time action. Or go back and read the fetish stories section right here Or you can proceed to read our femdom stories page where we have lots of stories on Mistresses and BDSM



You can also click here for live fetish cams


 Foot Fetish Stories

 Smoking Fetish Stories

  Pantie story

The Scent Of Lace – Panty Fetish Story

My Husband, The Panty Sniffer


Pantyhose Stories

Silken Skin – Pantyhose Story

Hand – Nail Fetish Stories

Captivated by her sexy hands and long nails My story

Fart Fetish Stories

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