Female Sex SlaveHumiliated Story

Sessions with women are absolutely fun, especially if I am the first woman to them to submit to. If a woman is going to be submissive then, I would much rather her bow down to a woman than a man. Last week a beautiful young woman named G greeted me at the door. This petit toy with sexy, long dark hair and gorgeous hazel eyes quickly glanced at Me but kept staring at the floor.

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After I had her kneel down naked before Me on the hardwood floor, I spent several minutes discussing what this particular session would be like. As g gave Me personal information such as age, health and so on, I couldn’t help but notice how lovely her large, tan breasts sat on her chest; so beautifully shaped.


Her whole body was nicely tan except for a small pale crease under her ass. Soon, I thought to Myself, that crease would be as crimson as her sweet, pouty lips. I dumped my travel bag of goodies on the nearby couch and found a nice set of soft, black leather ankle and wrist cuffs with a matching studded locking collar.

I told her to hold up her long mane while I place the thick collar around her small neck. I slid My warm tongue over her earlobe as I locked the collar into place. I told My pet to hold still while I put the other restraints on her, but she kept squirming which warranted several firm smacks on her ass. As I finished, My small handprints appeared on her tender ass cheeks. I laughed.

Knowing that she wasn’t into severe pain (yet) or whippings, I hooked a leash to her collar and lead her into the bathroom.

“Wash away your makeup, I won’t have you looking like a whore around Me”

 I commanded. Quickly she grabbed a washcloth and turned on the hot water. White gobs of soap covered her face and neck as she scrubbed the unwanted makeup away. My pet emerged naturally glowing as a sweet 23-year-old should. View our kinky slave cams here

Now my little pet, I want a closer look at you”,

I said and sat her up on the bathroom sink with her legs held wide open. Her small pussy was almost totally shaven except for a small thin strip of hair that led down to her tiny pierced clit.

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I grabbed her throat with my left hand and began to pull her clit ring with my teeth. She tried to arch her back to ease the pull but I simply placed My tongue on her pussy lips, which made her flinch backwards.

The harder I pulled, the wetter she became. She got so wet that I crammed a medium size dildo inside her cunt. When the dildo was covered in her pussy juices, I shoved it inside her mouth and told her to suck the sweet juice off.

I liked watching her swerve her pink tongue around this dildo, lapping up her own cunt juice. Becoming a bit moist Myself, I decided that I wanted both holes open for Me. I had brought three disposable enemas with Me; so I told her to crawl in the living room and bring the enemas back to the bathroom.

She seductively did as she was told, looking like a sleek cat walking away. When she returned, I placed her on the cold bathroom floor and told her to open her mouth. Her full red lips opened to receive My piss.

Graciously she swallowed all of My piss and licked Me clean. There were several drops left over on My black leather boots and like a good little pet, she liked the piss off My boots as well.

I bent her over the bathtub and began administering the first of three enemas. Small drops of sweat covered the small of her back as her ass expanded to accommodate the fluids. I knew that holding her bowels became extremely difficult and it made me laugh out loud.
My pet started to blush with embarrassment thinking she had let some of the water go and unclean matter leaked out. My own sadistic enjoyment, I grabbed one of My favourite implements, which is a three-foot single-tail and began a series of lashes across her ass.
“ Three, four, five”
My pet kept saying with an increasingly meek voice. When I heard thirty and tears falling down her face, I excused her to the toilet and all of the liquid came exploding out. It took several minutes to expel all of the faecal matter, but soon she was clean and ready for a small anal plug.
I lubed up the small flesh-coloured ass plug and gently pushed it inside her tiny ass. She enjoyed this so much that I caught her pinching her own pink nipples. I slapped her hands away from her breasts and finished firmly tying the anal plug in place with nylon rope.
Then I placed My sharp tooth nipple clamps on each nipple and locked her hands behind her back. With the leash still attached to the collar, I led My pet into the bedroom.
My love had a small bed with a huge rectangular mirror hanging on the sidewall level with the mattress.
I laughed when I remembered that My pet likes to watch herself masturbate. Now she could watch My fist work its way deep inside her pussy.
One of the ultimate ways to connect with another human being is by fisting.” Pure erotic power, My dear. I will take your soul and pull an orgasm out of you,” I proudly said. One, two, three lubed manicured fingers worked their way inside My little pet’s pussy. Seeing her shake unable to speak because of the bright orange ball between her lips gave me a huge mental rush.
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I will make this girl cum, but not yet. I removed my fingers, stretching them slightly and removed her nipple clamps. The imprints of the clamps lingered on each nipple as I rolled my tongue over each delicate mark.
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