Cock and Ball Torture story – Penis enlargement

For me the sex was incredible. My name is Roger. My girlfriend Jennie lay next to me. I was very surprised when She asked if I had ever looked into the possibility of penis enlargement. I had heard this before…


My response was, “I would if I knew where to go.” That one sentence led me to the brick building in the woods, Dr Lisa Dick’s Clinic. Jennie told me Dr Dick had helped many of her friend’s boyfriends and husbands. Explaining She was a sex therapist that used unconventional methods which, actually, over time, enlarged both dimensions of a male’s penis.

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Dr Dick was not a medical doctor. She did have a PhD. I later learned it was from a University in Granada. It didn’t matter. She was entitled to use the appellation of “Doctor”. Jennie is very important to me. I agreed to go to this place for Her. She took me at my word and made the appointment for me.


cock and ball torture

The lobby/waiting room of the clinic looked like any other medical office. Behind a window was a very pretty blonde nurse. I was glad I was the only one in the waiting room. This is because when the nurse/receptionist rose to get my chart, my eyes bulged and my cock jumped to immediate attention.

She was clad in a shiny red rubber miniskirt that clung to
Her extraordinary body-like skin. The top, white shiny rubber that formed a blouse, fit perfectly around her ample and very well-shaped breasts. Her legs were incredible, and Her feet were shod with what looked like 6” spiked heels. my member was throbbing.

I was already grateful for Jennie’s concern, but now I anticipated this office as a place that I would be visiting regularly shortly. This was terrific. When She returned to the window, She smiled and told me it would only be a few minutes.

I waited. I wish I could say patiently. My thoughts were not of Jennie at the moment but thinking how good it would be if the nurse at the window was involved with what I thought was to be an examination and consultation.

I was as hard as a rock and getting harder. My pants were spotted as my member continued to spurt precum with no place to go but my undershorts and then on to my pants. It was a bit embarrassing but after all, with a dish like that nurse up front, what could Dr Dick expect.

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A door opened. I was beckoned to follow a petite brunette who was similarly attired to the nurse behind the window. She was certainly as good-looking as Her associate. I was led into a room that looked more like an operating room than an examination room but who
can argue with the success that Jennie’s friend’s males obtained here at the clinic.

In the room stood two other Women dressed identically to the others I had the pleasure of gaping at. By now I was so hot I wanted any and all of them to join my consultation. A tall blonde ordered me to strip naked with Her, pouty red lips. As I disrobed She took my clothes and put them in a box. I was stripped naked and directed onto what appeared to me to be an operating table with stirrups protruding from its end. It is amazing how much confidence one has when one is deeply in love with a Superior Woman.

Jennie had sent me here. It was clear my penis was not as large as She would have liked it. I took her words to mean that it was definitely not adequate to satisfy Her. To me, it meant that if I did not do something about my small inadequate cock, I should move on. That being the case I had every incentive to do what was necessary to deal with my genital problem. After all, this was not the first time the inadequacy of my cock’s size was pointed out to me.

As soon as I was on the table, three women, all dressed in very sleek rubber nurse outfits converged on me, had my arms pinned then strapped to the table followed by tightly strapping my legs into the stirrups. Two hefty straps, one over my chest, the other over my abdomen bound me to the table so I could not move.

My cock stood straight up between my spread eagle legs. I was totally distracted by Women. When I was firmly fastened to the table I heard the whir of a machine. It was a hair clipper that began removing all of my pubic hair. After all the hair was removed the same area was slathered with wet foamy shaving cream.

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Then a nurse’s hand grabbed the head of my cock to stretch out my ball sack and a cold steel blade swiped against the sensitive skin of my scrotum to shave the remaining pubic hair from my genitals. I thought for a moment that my genital problem was going to be solved with castration because I was too pathetic to fix. The same cold blade shaved my inner upper thighs, though I had no idea why.

small penis picture

Once I was cleanly shaven and securely fastened down all three began discussing my inadequately tiny penis. Their talk turned to ridicule, then to the encouragement that Dr Dick was just what I needed.

I lay there vulnerable to any whim these Women had, wondering what was going to happen. It seemed forever before I heard the click of heels on the hard ceramic tile floor resonate off the tiled walls. My cock was now throbbing, I began dreaming of the meat this Woman would add to my throbbing cock. The anticipation was taking my breath away.

I still did not know why I was totally immobilized but there must be a reason. Was Dr Dick anything like Her gorgeous assistants? As the clicking got louder, my erection got stiffer and I began sweating with anticipation. The door to the operating room blew open and in walked a Goddess. Dr Dick, a leggy amazon princess posing as a sex therapist and surgeon specializing in tiny cock enlargement.

The three Nurses were knockouts but they were nothing compared to Dr Dick. She stared down at me and smiled, then began petting my cock. It responded of course. She directed one of the nurses to measure me. The nurse called out, “6 inches by 5.8 inches.”

“A worm. No wonder you are here, commented Dr Dick. She grabbed my balls, squeezed until I grimaced, then called out another measurement which I do not recall. She had a device in Her hand. It was a wheel like a pizza cutter only it had pins jutting out from it.
She smiled at me. Then the pinwheel was run up and down my stiffened shaft.

She explained it was a sensitivity test. Each run up and down my hard cock became more intense. It began to hurt. I saw Her tongue swipe back and forth between her lips. She was hurting me on purpose and enjoying it. Then each of the nurses took their turn. Occasionally wiping the blood that seeped from the numerous pinholes the medical instrument had made on my sex tool.


Next, they placed a condom on my cock. Leaving several inches of thin latex hanging beyond the head of my cock. I was surprised when a naked male was brought into the room. “We need his spunk slave.”

Those words startled me. There was a nurse on each side of me. Their breasts hovered over my face. Then I felt the soothing massaging of my prick by a pair of well-schooled lips. It did not take long before I exploded, filling the condom. By now I was feeling quite
good. Dr Dick went through the measurement procedure again. “5.5 inches by 5.3 inches, ball sac nil,” were the words I heard. “No wonder Jennie sent you here boy.”

I lay there demoralized. That is until Dr Dick said, “ready him for treatment.” When I tried to ask a question I was told to remain silent. There were mirrors above that allowed me to see what was going on all over the room. Having Dr. Dick near me was enough to


keep me hard, albeit smaller than a few minutes ago but throbbing hot nonetheless. I saw two latex-clad nurses holding a white pail into which Dr Dick was pissing. A nurse then poured a pot of steaming hot coffee into the same pail.

That was very puzzling. When I saw the condom that I had filled held above the pail with my sperm dripping into the pail I became scared as hell. Terrified is a more appropriate word. The mixture was poured into a rubber enema bag which was hung from a stand attached to the table I was on. The tubing hung down.

One of the nurses lubricated the end of the tubing with Her saliva, sucking it seductively as if giving the tubing head and deftly inserted the end into my tight cherry asshole. Then She opened the valve below the enema bag and watched the mixture of piss, spunk, and coffee flow into my bowels. When the bag was empty another naughty nurse removed the tube from my asshole and inserted a substantial butt plug.

I say substantially because it took an effort to fully insert it. My innards began to hurt wanting to expel the fluid that had been placed inside me. The plug was like a permanent dam. The agony showed on my face as the Doctor and Her associates began describing my plight coupled with abundant laughter.

Her associates were enjoying what was happening. my pain became worse and worse as I lay there helpless. I did not know anything could hurt like this. I was wondering why there seemed to be so much pleasure from my agony. My cock strangely was still hard and now throbbing. How could this help to enlarge my penis?

I felt a rubber-gloved hand on my cock. When I looked I saw a catheter being inserted into my penis. The pain from the fluid they had filled my colon with was getting unbearable. It seemed from the look on Dr Dick’s face that She was enjoying every minute of my anguish.

I tried to move thinking I could find some relief but that was not possible. The catheter was being directed through my urethra into one of the vas deferens, the tube through which
semen flows from the epididymis to the urethra.

I do not know all of these terms but the nurses did as they manoeuvred the catheter where they wanted it. Then I felt a hot fluid flowing into my ball sack. In seconds my balls were on fire. I could not move. I began begging for relief. It was met with hysterical laughter at my plight. The Doc placed her face directly above me.

She had a cruel smile on her face.“ you are a slave class pig. You do not deserve a Woman like Miss Jennie. Certainly not as Her lover. Her slave possibly. That is what we are determining now. So far you are not doing well.”

With that She spit onto my face showing Her scorn. my balls were now ablaze. I cannot stand the pain. I prayed I would pass out. I know I was crying like a baby, begging, for anything to stop all of this.

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A nurse told me to shut up, this was just the beginning. She reiterated this is what is needed for slave-class males to realize what their place is, like toys for the Superior Female class. It had to be the stuff they were pumping into me through the IV they had inserted into my arm that was keeping me from passing out. I could see the tubing leading into my arm. I was being kept awake and alert so that they could enjoy my agony. Why?

At this point in my story, I should explain there are things I did not know and would not learn about until I was back in Jennie’s house. Everything was being videotaped and Jennie, soon to be Miss Jennie, was observing everything looking through a one-way mirror. At times unknown to me She even participated.

Next, a machine was rolled next to the operating table I was bound to, and wires from it were attached to my cock and parts of my inner thighs close to my genitals. A wire from the machine was also plugged into a receptacle on the table. I learned later this was attached to a console that was located behind the one-way mirror. On the console were buttons that Miss Jennie could push that sent a high voltage charge through my cock whenever She was disposed to do so. Dr Dick or any of Her nurses could also send a jolt into me as well. Dr Dick told me I was a very entertaining specimen. The victim was more realistic. She loved the way my face wrinkled up expressing my pain. With that, She sent a high-voltage spike to my cock which brought a piercing scream of agony from my mouth.

A nurse laughed telling me they were trying to shock my cock to grow. She told me not to worry that it wouldn’t grow out of a slave class no matter what, and that my cock was a pathetic thing. Dr added I should have more respect than trying to please a woman with my pathetic member. She explained what was happening now was a more proper use for me and it, meaning my cock. After all, there were millions of short dicked males like me who should be made available for fun like She was having with me today. She let me know the best was yet to come. I do not know why but my cock remained erect throughout my agony.

Dr began questioning me. “Tell me, what is your proper purpose in life? Do you even know?”

“i am an accountant. my purpose is to work hard, get married, have children, and be a family man.” When I finished speaking a more severe jolt was rendered to my hapless penis and thighs. I writhed, jerked, and reacted but I was unable to move or do anything about what was happening.

“you are giving me a lot of pleasure. I enjoy watching the conversion of a fool to reality. The
longer it takes the more fun it is for me.” With that another jolt hit me. I felt my eyes bulge. I could see the pleasure my Doc was experiencing at my expense. Meanwhile, I thought I was going to burst. Dr humiliation pressed on my abdomen. The cruel smile on Her face displayed Her intent. It is hard to describe when one believes he is about to burst. She whispered
“you have a lot to learn, you must be patient.

The best is yet to come.” Even my desperate mind could interpret that this experiment was far from over. What I could not understand was why Jennie wanted me here. All of this was not only for her personal pleasure but for Her pleasure as well. I began praying to God to take me out of this. I wanted to pass out but knew I couldn’t.

The endorphins in my brain were working overtime. Whatever my pain threshold was it is now greater than ever. I do not know how I managed to deal with what I was experiencing or what was coming my way. Everything on my body was being ravaged and the more that
was levied onto me the more my tormentors enjoyed it. To her, I was a mere recreational toy, a victim of Her experimental comedy. I could not imagine that Jennie had a part in this or what this was supposed to lead to.

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[to be continued]

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