Small Penis Panty Sniffing Boy Story

So I have this panty-sniffing little whore boy that I love to strapon ass fuck. He has a very small penis, making him worthless down there, but I’ve found other ways for him to be entertaining.

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He’s a real pervert when it comes to his panty fetish, and he’s told me all kinds of stories about it.

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Like back when he was a teenager, he would be over at friends’ houses and sneak off into their sister’s rooms to steal their panties. Then he would go home and jerk his small penis while rubbing their underwear all over his face… sniffing and licking… lost in worship.

He said at first he would steal anything he could find… but later his “tastes refined” and he would scout out the possibilities first – something of a self-panty tease to him, in that he would deny himself when he first saw pairs he liked, waiting instead until they were “soiled”.

When he knew which ones he wanted, he would find ways to regularly return to those friends’ homes in the hope of finding the desired panties in the hamper.

His excitement and anticipation were almost unbearable each time he went to look… and when he finally found what he wanted, he would spend all that night panty-sniffing, jerking off repeatedly to them.

pantie fetish story

He continued this when he was away in college, building up quite a collection of panties in the process… right up until he got busted for it.

He was going through a girl’s laundry… trying to find a pink lace pair he had seen her folding once in the past… he only had seconds to find them, and he was so excited his hands were shaking and his heart was pounding in his ears… but he took too a second too long and she came back right as he lifted them up to his face to kiss them.

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Idiot moves – he should have snatched and run, but instead, he stood there panty-sniffing right away. She freaked, the guys with her freaked… and he got labelled a freak right after he took a punch to the side of his head.

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But no humiliation can stop this panty boy from his fetish fulfilment… he went right back to it and got caught once again… this time in the same girl’s room.

He said the need he had to smell her pussy was so strong he couldn’t help himself – the desire to panty worship can blind those truly dedicated to its call (paraphrase of his words)

This time he got a real beating… and not just punches from her boyfriend. When they had him on the ground, they pulled his pants down, exposing his fully erect, ridiculously small penis.

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This saved him from further punches as everyone there started laughing. They circled him and wouldn’t let him get up… they just kept knocking him down, kicking his legs apart so they could point and laugh at his tiny dick… right up until the girl he tried to steal from stepped up and kicked him full in his pathetic small penis and mini balls.

The beating prevented him from being expelled since they couldn’t exactly report what he had done, without getting themselves in trouble for assaulting him.

So he just suffered a semester of humiliation from having his small penis exposed and being publicly labelled a panty-sniffing freak (the first part wasn’t so bad since he loves small penis humiliation

– I think he enjoys that fetish in part due to this experience and wants to relive it in a controlled fantasy way).

Girls in the dorm would constantly laugh at him, playing loud panty-tease games that they thought embarrassed him, but he secretly enjoyed. The boys were more savage, and unpleasant. At the end of the school year, he transferred. (continued)

“I love being a panty tease… letting boys catch glimpses as I pretend not to notice…

watching their eyes locked on me… hoping for a quick lookup at my skirt…

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