Sissy Susie Sph,Diaper Becomes Cuckold

Derrek was continually teased by his wife about his tiny dick, but it had never been a problem before. They were happy, or so he thought. Until one day that is when his wife Karla finally gave up and demanded something more sizeable to actually satisfy her needs.

“I’m sorry it’s come to this, but if you can’t please me with that, then I see no other option than to bring in someone who can”

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Karla was an attractive 30-something with a kinky side she wanted to let out so desperately, and if it would save her marriage then she had to try. Derrek was a little older and had always wondered exactly what she saw in him.

She set about getting help, and had no problem finding someone on the internet – after all, who would turn down free sex?! But recently she had been making some stranger-than-usual demands in her online kinky profile and with that, she was surprised that she got someone so quickly. She quickly set to work, buying all manner of things they were going to need.

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Later on, in the week, Karla suggested a dirty kinky night indoors, “Derrek, I’ve always imagined and desired what it would be like with a female, you know – maybe you could wear a dress, and I’ll let you go down on me?

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I think I’d feel so good”. Derrek was a little hesitant at first, not quite sure where this was going, but he was open-minded, so sure. Karla went over to the closet and pulled out a PVC maid dress in his (XL) size.

“Could you… wear this?”. Derrek stripped down and found the soft PVC dress to be surprisingly sensual – he even got a hard’ on, though you’d be forgiven for not noticing.

“You look, lovely dear! Here, please allow me to put this up for you, as it’s a bit of a turn-on and oh so special”. She stood behind him and bit his ear, pulling his arms backwards and snapping shut a padlock around the built-in wrist binders before he knew what was happening.


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Next, she moved around the front and attached some more locks to the collar. “I don’t want you getting it off it now do I?”.

Derrek was a little surprised but still rock hard. “From now on, I’m going to call you Susie, like the little sissy you are!”

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His jaw fell forward just as he opened his mouth to talk, but Karla already had a gag prepared for just this moment. “Karaaa…” – he began to struggle to get out any type of words as she pushed a very large penis-like- gag into his mouth, stifling any sound.

That tied around the back, too, preventing any chance of him spitting it out. “There, good practice for later”. Now he was worried and had absolutely no clue what she meant by that.

There was a knock at the door, and she pushed his face down onto the bed without saying a word.

The visitor was a tall, dark and handsome stranger – everything Derrek wasn’t – who knew just what Karla’s situation was and was more than happy to help out. Derrek heard muffled voices downstairs as they talked for a while.

Then he could hear them coming upstairs.
Sissy Susie, I want you to meet Brad. He’s going to make sure I’m satisfied tonight, something your tiny little penis was never capable of. I do love you, but this is how it has to be.”
She shoved Derrek to the side of the bed, as Brad took control of her, dominating with his 9 inches of manpower.
Karla savoured every moment of it and made sure Derrek knew it. She screamed with delight as he was powerful but to watch; watch as this powerful man, three times the size of his own, groaned on top of her.
After about a half-hour of pounding away at it, she positioned herself directly over his head and had Brad take her from behind.
Now Derrek had an even closer look at the man’s member, and huge slapping balls as he thrust in, and out endlessly. Finally, the man climaxed inside of Karla as she screamed out in ecstasy.
“That was amazing Brad, but I need to clean up.
Sissy Susie, I did promise you that you could eat and lick me out, remember? didn’t I?

”. With that, she hovered over his face, dripping a little on his cheek while she reached behind to undo the gag. It felt great to free of it, but he had a feeling it wouldn’t be for long. “Come on, what are you waiting for?! I didn’t take that off so you could stand there gawping at me!

” she yelled as she forces his face toward her.

He licked hesitantly at first but sped up when Brad could see Susie wasn’t working hard enough, and a few quick smacks from Brad made Susie quite eager to please.

Finally, Karla pushed him away and beckoned Brad over.

“He needs cleaning too, deal with it, Susie”. Derrek knew this was coming, but it didn’t make it any easier to swallow. He opened his mouth, fearful of another spanking, and closed his eyes as Derek inserted himself.

As he worked with Brad, he found he quite enjoyed having that huge cock in his mouth, gagging him at times.
Karla explained “Susie, Brad’s occupation is with North American nation.

I love you, and this is how it’s got to be.

You’ll serve us around the house since you can’t sufficiently service me in bed, and if you’re a good little sissy girl we’ll let you play like we did today. Understood?”. Derrek gulped and tried to mumble in agreement, when Brad shuddered violently, cumming again right down his throat.
Derrek gagged a little with the new sensation, then gasped for air as Brad let go of the tight grip of his head. He collapsed onto the bed, graciously given a little respite before his house duties would officially begin. “Oh, and you’ll call us Mistress and Master from now on when you’re permitted to speak freely”.
“Mistress, I need the toilet”.
“Ah yes, that reminds me. Toilets are for big girls Susie, and that you are not. From today you’ll wear diapers. Roll over so we can put them on you now”.
“Karla, this has been exciting, but please there is no way…”, Brad’s hands had now enveloped over his Widemouth, three fingers jammed in so tight he couldn’t even bite down.
“First off, it’s Mistress, not Karla; and second, nobody gave you permission to talk and this is often not a discussion”.

For his insolence, she decided to gag him again, this time with something multifunctional she could attach a toilet brush to or something later after they’d put him in diapers.

Derrek’s hands were still locked behind his back, and he was utterly helpless as Karla first strapped something around his tiny little penis that would presumably stop him masturbating, then Brad put a diaper underneath him; and finally came a lockable pair of plastic panties.

“Sleep well sissy, then you can start on the housework in the morning. If need to go potty, you can go in that, but you be damned sure I won’t be changing you in the middle of the night”.
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