sex-with-twink/ gay story

A Twink Rent boy In Vegas

I stared at the clock on the bedside unit next to the bed. 1930 it said, a red dot blinking between the 9 and the 3 to indicate the seconds ticking away. Only another half hour till he got here.

I was 300 miles from home, stuck in a hotel room in Vegas at a party conference. All the other attendees were down in the casino, gambling their kid’s college funds away. I had left at half 5 when they were a bit worse for wear and heading for a blackjack table.


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I detest Vegas almost as much as I hate these conferences. Three days of hell every year which is just an excuse to get shit-faced drunk and gamble. No, it’s not for me. So I was sitting in my room, flicking through the TV channels but not bothering about what was on any of them.

I sighed and threw the remote on the bed and flopped back onto the huge king-size bed, my arms outstretched. I stared at the cream ceiling and wondered what the hell I was going to do to get through these next 2 days. Then I had an idea. I picked up the remote and navigated the smart tv to the internet search page.

I found what I wanted, called the number on the screen and that was that. So here I sat, awaiting the arrival. 2005 and there was a chap at the door. I got off the bed and walked to the door. I took a deep breath and opened it. The sight before me took my breath away.

For there stood the most gorgeous 20-year-old twink I’ve ever seen in my life. Thin but well-built, he had blonde, well-kept hair. His designer Ray-ban sunglasses shone with the bright neon lights of the hallway shining on them.

He had on tight skinny jeans, a white T, and a light blue denim jacket. He was leaning on the door frame, his left arm above head height. “Hi. You call about a date?” he asked, flashing a row of beautifully well-looked-after teeth. He had a gorgeous smile that instantly put me at ease.

“I sure did. Come on in”

I said He stepped into the room and I had a quick peek in the hallway to make sure there were no prying eyes before I closed the heavy-set, oak wood door. I clicked the lock and went through to the main seating area.

He had taken off his jacket and I could see the t-shirt he was wearing hugging his torso. He worked out. I felt my cock stirring in my pants and it began to get hard. I fidgeted slightly to try to relieve the pressure.

He took off his sunglasses and folded his arms before putting them in his jacket pocket.

“Mind if I get a drink?”

he asked, pointing towards the mini bar in the corner.

“Not at all” I replied “Help yourself” “Thanks”

was his reply as he walked over to it. He opened the door and stood back to take a look inside. After a few seconds, he bent over to get a bottle of Becks from the bottom shelf. I drew a sharp intake of breath involuntarily as I gazed at his ass. It looked magnificent. I bit my bottom lip and my erection got bigger He undid the screw top and took a swig from the bottle.

He placed it on the tabletop when he had finished and turned to me. “So what do you fancy?” he asked me

“I’m not sure really”

I replied awkwardly

“What are my options?” “I do oral or anal”

he said

“either giving or receiving. The choice is yours” “Let’s start with oral for me and see where we go from there. How does that sound?”

I said

“Fine by me. Up to you”

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he said I undid my tie and slipped it off, then I undid my shirt as he stripped off his t-shirt to reveal a body with almost no fat and a perfect figure with ripped muscles. He had no underwear on and his ass was tighter than a drum and it looked like you could bounce a quarter off it.

I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. We were both now completely naked. His cock was semi-hard but I, on the other hand, was sporting a full-on, throbbing boner

“Like what you see then?”

he teased, as he made his way over to me, flashing his pearly whites at me in a mischievous grin

“God yes”

I whispered He put his hands on my chest and lowered his head. He began kissing my chest and I groaned as he took my nipple in his mouth. I felt him circle his tongue around it then he bit it gently and I gasped with both pleasure and pain. He sunk to his knees and his hands cupped my ass cheeks as he used his tongue to tease my throbbing cock head.

He flicked the tip, licking the pre-cum that was leaking, and then drew his tongue from the base to the top and backed down again. He moved my aching cock to the side and began licking and fondling my balls.

I put my hands on his head and closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation of this 20-year-old twink doing what he did best. He took my shaft in his warm mouth and it was a sensation like nothing I have ever felt before. I’m not exactly small but he managed to take my full 10 inches in his mouth as he went right up to the base. I fell back against the wall as he sucked my cock.

His head bobbed back and forth and he managed to deep-throat my entire cock, going right out to the tip before greedily taking the whole lot right back to my balls. He was an expert cock sucker and he was very experienced. I enjoyed the feeling until I felt my orgasm building. My cock stiffened and I knew I was close

“Stop” I gasped “I’m close. I want to fuck you”

Without a word, he got up walked over to the wall, and pulled a chair over. He bent over, placing his hands on the seat, and spread his feet to just over shoulder-width apart. He turned his head to look at me and winked. My hands were trembling as I fumbled with a condom wrapper.

I was all fingers and thumbs but I eventually got it opened and slipped the rubber sheath over my raging boner. I hurried over to him and put my hands on his hips. I gazed over his tight body and firm buttocks and licked my lips. I gently entered him and he groaned as my cock filled his ass.

I built up a rhythm, slow at first but as my excitement grew I became faster and faster. I pounded his tight ass as he grunted. I felt it unfair of me to get all the pleasure so I leaned over him while still fucking his ass and grabbed his thick cock which by now was rock solid. I could feel the power and strength in it and I began wanking him as I fucked him.

For a rent boy, he had an incredibly tight ass and it gripped my dick perfectly and gave me a fantastic feeling. I jerked his cock as I furiously fucked him and I felt myself get close. I could tell he was as well and just as I groaned and came, he yelled and his body stiffened then he slumped forward. I panted with the exertion and both our bodies were dripping with sweat. Breathlessly, I staggered over to the bed and flopped down.

“Wow, that was amazing” I said “It sure was”

he replied as he gathered his clothes. I leaned over to the bedside drawer took out my wallet and counted out the money. He was dressed by now and stuck the notes into his jeans pocket

“Well we must do this again sometime”

he giggled as he turned and walked to the door


And with that, he was gone. I flopped back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. This trip hasn’t been a complete bore after all!

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